“Taken from Broadwayworld.com: A Busy and Rewarding Musical Life for Paul Williams”.
BROADWAYWORLD: OK, let’s talk about you and the incredible Barbra Streisand…
WILLIAMS: I have a song on her new album that I wrote with Ivan Lins called Love Dance. It’s probably my wife’s and my favorite song…it’s either that or With One More Look At You from A Star Is Born. It’s one of my favorite love songs that I have written in my life and she sings it beautifully. It’s on the album twice…once with a fully produced big band arrangement done by Johnny Mandel, also incidentally on the Board of Directors of ASCAP, and then there’s a more intimate version with Diana Krall’s smaller rhythm section, which is wonderful. It’s very exciting to have another cut with Barbra.
Read the full interview here: http://www.broadwayworld.com/article/A_Busy_and_Rewarding_Musical_Life_for_Paul_Williams_20090904