Articles of Interest
November 10, 2011, 1:00am

By Mary Wisniewski, Reuters

Controversial ballot measures aimed at banning abortion in Mississippi and reducing public sector union power in Ohio were soundly defeated on Tuesday in local elections that cheered President Barack Obama’s Democratic party.

Democrats and Republicans split … Read more »

November 10, 2011, 1:00am

By Al Franken, Reader Supported News

This week, the free and open Internet millions of Americans have come to depend on is under attack.

In a procedural move, Senate Republicans are trying to overturn the rules that the Federal Communications … Read more »

November 07, 2011, 11:00am

By Dylan Ratigan, Reader Supported News

The Supreme Court looms over our political landscape like a giant, immovable object. Americans have traditionally respected the court’s purview, believing that it serves justice, dispassionately. Yet the most controversial decision of the last … Read more »

November 07, 2011, 11:00am

By PAUL KRUGMAN – New York Times

Inequality is back in the news, largely thanks to Occupy Wall Street, but with an assist from the Congressional Budget Office. And you know what that means: It’s time to roll out the … Read more »

November 07, 2011, 11:00am

By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog

The biggest question in America these days is how to revive the economy.

The biggest question among activists now occupying Wall Street and dozens of other cities is how to strike back against the … Read more »

November 07, 2011, 11:00am

By PAUL KRUGMAN – New York Times.

For decades the story of technology has been dominated, in the popular mind and to a large extent in reality, by computing and the things you can do with it. Moore’s Law — … Read more »

November 02, 2011, 7:00am

By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog

Wall Street is still out of control, and why Obama should call for Glass-Steagall and a breakup of big banks.

Next week President Obama travels to Wall Street where he’ll demand – in light … Read more »

November 01, 2011, 6:00am

By ThinkProgress War Room

When Voting Against Job Creation Just Isn’t Enough

As we’ve been documenting, Republicans keep voting against millions of American jobs. But it doesn’t stop there! The bills they’ve managed to get enacted — namely spending cuts … Read more »

October 31, 2011, 7:00am

By PAUL KRUGMAN – New York Times.

A few years back Representative Barney Frank coined an apt phrase for many of his colleagues: weaponized Keynesians, defined as those who believe “that the government does not create jobs when it funds … Read more »

October 24, 2011, 5:00am

By Leo Gerard –

Republicans jammed together a mess of old, failed and vague schemes and called it a jobs bill. Sen. John McCain conceded the reason for the rehash: “Part of it is in response to the president … Read more »
