Articles of Interest
August 16, 2011, 8:00am

By KURT ANDERSEN – New York Times.

“The Office” and “Parks and Recreation” and “30 Rock” were all repeats, so on Thursday night the most entertaining first-run comedy in prime time was on Fox News. And it was live!

What’s … Read more »

August 16, 2011, 8:00am

By MAUREEN DOWD – The New York Times.


I saw Mitt Romney’s hair move.

No really, I did. We were standing amid the soybean and corn fields in rural Iowa and a breeze lifted some of his … Read more »

August 16, 2011, 8:00am

By CHARLES M. BLOW – New York Times.

I must confess that every time Representative Michele Bachmann uttered the phrase “as president of the United States” during Thursday’s Republican presidential debate I blacked out a little bit, so I’m sure … Read more »

August 16, 2011, 8:00am

This article is best viewed by clicking on this link:… Read more »

August 16, 2011, 8:00am

The debt ceiling deal passed in the House on Monday afternoon. This makes painful and lasting cuts throughout the federal government’s budget. The Obama-GOP plan cuts $917 billion in government spending over the next decade. Nearly $570 billion of … Read more »

August 10, 2011, 4:00am

By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog

For no good reason.

Imagine your house is burning. You call the fire department but your call isn’t answered because every fire fighter in town is debating whether there will be enough water to … Read more »

August 10, 2011, 3:00am

By Igor Volsky –

On Friday night, Standard & Poor’s took the unprecedented step of downgrading the nation’s long-term sovereign credit rating to AA+ from AAA, claiming that “the fiscal consolidation plan that Congress and the Administration recently agreed … Read more »

August 10, 2011, 3:00am

By Paul Krugman – New York Times.

To understand the furor over the decision by Standard & Poor’s, the rating agency, to downgrade U.S. government debt, you have to hold in your mind two seemingly (but not actually) contradictory ideas. … Read more »

August 08, 2011, 2:00am

The Man Who Wants To Kill More Than 560,000 American Jobs

You’ve probably never heard of Rep. John Mica (R-FL), but he’s someone every American should know about because if he get his way, thousands of people in your home Read more »

August 08, 2011, 2:00am

How Many American Jobs Can The GOP Kill? (Hint: A Lot)

According to figures released this morning, the nation’s unemployment rate remains at a grim 9.1 percent. While the economy managed to add 117,000 net jobs in July (154,000 … Read more »
