Articles of Interest
August 06, 2011, 2:00am

By Michael Moore, Open Mike Blog

The Day the Middle Class Died
Portrait, Michael Moore, 04/03/09. (photo: Ann-Christine Poujoulat/Getty)

From time to time, someone under 30 will ask me, “When did this all begin, America’s downward slide?” They say they’ve heard of a time when working … Read more »

August 04, 2011, 7:00am

By JOE NOCERA – New York Times.

You know what they say: Never negotiate with terrorists. It only encourages them.

These last few months, much of the country has watched in horror as the Tea Party Republicans have waged jihad … Read more »

August 04, 2011, 7:00am

New York Times – Opinion Pages.

There is little to like about the tentative agreement between Congressional leaders and the White House except that it happened at all. The deal would avert a catastrophic government default, immediately and probably through … Read more »

August 02, 2011, 11:00am

(Updated 3 August)

Did you know Barbra is on Twitter?

Not only can you follow her career updates – but Barbra is also using Twitter to share her political thoughts. Be sure to check in frequently for updates from Barbra … Read more »

July 30, 2011, 3:00am

Republicans say they want to save the country from Obama’s reckless spending. But as Paul Begala argues, it’s the GOP’s policies that have driven the nation into the ground.

There it sits, lonely and forlorn on my shelf. A leather-bound … Read more »

July 29, 2011, 4:00am

New York Times Opinion Page

For centuries, the whitebark pine, Pinus albicaulis, has grown on hundreds of thousands of acres across the West. It is a keystone species of an entire ecosystem — one now seriously at risk. Most of … Read more »

July 29, 2011, 4:00am

By Paul Krugman – New York Times.

Watching our system deal with the debt ceiling crisis — a wholly self-inflicted crisis, which may nonetheless have disastrous consequences — it’s increasingly obvious that what we’re looking at is the destructive influence … Read more »

July 29, 2011, 4:00am

By Thomas L. Friedman

There is only one thing worse than Republicans and Democrats failing to agree to lift the debt ceiling, and that is lifting the debt ceiling without a well-thought-out plan and with hasty cuts totaling trillions of … Read more »

July 26, 2011, 4:00am

click here to read the article:… Read more »

July 25, 2011, 1:00am

Click here to read this article:… Read more »
