Articles of Interest
September 07, 2010, 4:00am

By Frank Rich – New York Times.

AMONG the few scraps of news to emerge from Barack Obama’s vacation was the anecdote of a Martha’s Vineyard bookseller handing him an advance copy of Jonathan Franzen’s new novel, “Freedom.” The book … Read more »

September 07, 2010, 4:00am – By Terrence McNally and Andrew Bacevich, AlterNet

Andrew Bacevich speaks with a fairly unique mix of experience, authority, passion and wisdom in questioning our nation’s priorities: specifically our willingness to place so much of our national identity, wealth, … Read more »

September 07, 2010, 4:00am

By Paul Krugman — NY Times.

Here’s the situation: The U.S. economy has been crippled by a financial crisis. The president’s policies have limited the damage, but they were too cautious, and unemployment remains disastrously high. More action is clearly … Read more »

September 07, 2010, 4:00am


Sept. 5, 2010

David Plouffe VIDEO:

The man who was in charge of getting Barack Obama elected president – his 2008 campaign manager David Plouffe – joins us to discuss the challenges facing the President this year: … Read more »

September 03, 2010, 5:00am

CAPAF Joins National Organizations in Opposition of Proposition 23

John D. Podesta, President & CEO of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, joined leaders of 28 other national organizations in strongly opposing California’s Proposition 23 in a letter to … Read more »

September 03, 2010, 5:00am

By PAUL KRUGMAN — New York Times.

Next week, President Obama is scheduled to propose new measures to boost the economy. I hope they’re bold and substantive, since the Republicans will oppose him regardless — if he came out for … Read more »

September 03, 2010, 5:00am

by Faiz Shakir, Benjamin Armbruster, Zaid Jilani, Alex Seitz-Wald, Tanya Somanader, Pat Garofalo, and George Zornick —

Social Security Under Assault

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Social Security Act, and despite its standing as arguably … Read more »

September 03, 2010, 5:00am

By ROBERT B. REICH — New York Times.

THIS promises to be the worst Labor Day in the memory of most Americans. Organized labor is down to about 7 percent of the private work force. Members of non-organized labor — … Read more »

August 30, 2010, 7:00am

By Bob Herbert — The New York Times.

America is better than Glenn Beck. For all of his celebrity, Mr. Beck is an ignorant, divisive, pathetic figure. On the anniversary of the great 1963 March on Washington he will stand … Read more »

August 23, 2010, 12:00pm

New York Times.

For months, it has been clear that Republican Congressional candidates would benefit from independent voters’ dissatisfaction with President Obama. With the Republican field now largely in place, all voters might want to take a close look at … Read more »
