Articles of Interest
December 11, 2009, 4:00am

As delegates from countries across the globe gather at the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, the world is waiting to see if international leaders will commit to the bold reductions in carbon emissions needed to curb the … Read more »

December 08, 2009, 6:00am

Read the article here:… Read more »

December 08, 2009, 6:00am


Billionaire brothers David and Charles Koch are the wealthiest, and perhaps most effective, opponents of President Obama’s progressive agenda. They have been looming in the background of every major domestic policy dispute this year. Ranked as the 9th … Read more »

December 07, 2009, 12:00pm

By FRANK RICH — New York Times.

AFTER the dramatic three-month buildup, you’d think that Barack Obama’s speech announcing his policy for Afghanistan would be the most significant news story of the moment. History may take a different view. When … Read more »

December 07, 2009, 12:00pm

Below are links to clips from a thought provoking documentary by Robert Greenwald called “Rethink Afghanistan”… Read more »

December 07, 2009, 12:00pm

The battle over health care focuses on access to insurance, or tempests like the one that erupted over new mammogram guidelines.

But what about broader public health challenges? What if breast cancer in the United States has less to do … Read more »

December 07, 2009, 2:00am

By Natasha Chart —

Jonathan Hiskes at Grist has written up a Copenhagen 101 primer for anyone who’s just tuning in to the latest round of world climate talks, so I don’t have to. Which is great, because there … Read more »

December 04, 2009, 11:00am

Click the following link to read this update:… Read more »

December 04, 2009, 2:00am

By Paul Krugman — New York Times.

Health care reform hangs in the balance. Its fate rests with a handful of “centrist” senators — senators who claim to be mainly worried about whether the proposed legislation is fiscally responsible.

But … Read more »

December 04, 2009, 2:00am

By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF — New York Times.

Imagine you’re a villager living in southern Afghanistan.

You’re barely educated, proud of your region’s history of stopping invaders and suspicious of outsiders. Like most of your fellow Pashtuns, you generally dislike … Read more »
