Articles of Interest
November 19, 2009, 3:00am

By Judith Warner — The New York Times.

“Has Congress become like an episode of ‘Mad Men’?” California Congresswoman Linda Sanchez asked this week, after the House of Representatives approved a version of health care reform that contained what some … Read more »

November 19, 2009, 2:00am

By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN — The New York Times.

If you follow the debate around the energy/climate bills working through Congress you will notice that the drill-baby-drill opponents of this legislation are now making two claims. One is that the … Read more »

November 13, 2009, 2:00am

“By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF — New York Times”

President Obama and Congress will soon make defining choices about health care and troops for Afghanistan.

These two choices have something in common — each has a bill of around $100 billion … Read more »

November 12, 2009, 3:00am

By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN — The New York Times.

Tapajós National Forest, Brazil

No matter how many times you hear them, there are some statistics that just bowl you over. The one that always stuns me is this: Imagine if … Read more »

November 11, 2009, 3:00am

By Bob Herbert — The New York Times.

If I were a close adviser of President Obama’s, I would say to him, “Mr. President, you have two urgent and overwhelming tasks in front of you: to put Americans trapped in … Read more »

November 11, 2009, 3:00am

From The Progress Report.

On Saturday, one Republican joined 219 Democrats in the House of Representatives to pass sweeping health care reform legislation, a $1 trillion bill that the Congressional Budget Office says would not add to the budget deficit … Read more »

November 11, 2009, 3:00am

Editorial — The New York Times.

When the House narrowly passed the health care reform bill on Saturday night, it came with a steep price for women’s reproductive rights. Under pressure from anti-abortion Democrats and the United States Conference of … Read more »

November 09, 2009, 2:00am

By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF — New York Times.

The moment of truth for health care is at hand, and the distortion that perhaps gets the most traction is this:

We have the greatest health care system in the world. Sure, … Read more »

November 09, 2009, 2:00am

By PAUL KRUGMAN — New York Times.

Remember those Republican boasts that they would turn health care into President Obama’s Waterloo? Well, exit polls suggest that to the extent that health care was an issue in Tuesday’s elections, it worked … Read more »

November 05, 2009, 6:00am

By Maureen Dowd — New York Times

I had a four-hour dinner once with Rush Limbaugh at the “21” Club in Manhattan, back in the days when I was still writing profiles as a “reporterette,” to use a Limbaugh coinage.… Read more »
