Articles of Interest
October 02, 2009, 7:00am

Conservatives Claim Obama Pushing Socialist Agenda
Helen Thomas, Hearst White House columnist

WASHINGTON — What have we come to when conservative politicians and parents tell their children not to listen to President Barack Obama?

It turned out that his … Read more »

October 01, 2009, 1:00am

By Faiz Shakir, Amanda Terkel, Matt Corley, Benjamin Armbruster, and Zaid Jilani

With the upcoming U.N. Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, taking place this December, the world is looking to the U.S. to provide decisive leadership to tackle climate … Read more »

September 29, 2009, 3:00am

By Robert Reich.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is a critical day in the saga of the public option. Democrats Charles Schumer (New York) and Jay Rockefeller (West Virginia) are introducing an amendment to include the public option in the bill to be … Read more »

September 29, 2009, 3:00am

By Monica Sanchez

Much of the debate on the question of affordability is focused on how to make health insurance affordable for individuals. For example, according to The Washington Post, “How to make insurance more affordable to the estimated 30 … Read more »

September 29, 2009, 3:00am

By PAUL KRUGMAN. New York Times.

Every once in a while I feel despair over the fate of the planet. If you’ve been following climate science, you know what I mean: the sense that we’re hurtling toward catastrophe but nobody … Read more »

September 24, 2009, 3:00am

by Faiz Shakir, Amanda Terkel, Matt Corley, Benjamin Armbruster, Brad Johnson, and Zaid Jilani

Even as pressure builds for the U.S. Senate to take action on global warming, polluters have intensified their campaigns to block clean energy reform. With only … Read more »

September 18, 2009, 6:00am

by Faiz Shakir, Amanda Terkel, Matt Corley, Benjamin Armbruster, and Zaid Jilani

In what the Guardian called “arguably the most concrete shift in foreign policy from that of the Bush administration,” President Obama announced yesterday that the United States would … Read more »

September 18, 2009, 6:00am

By Robert Borosage

Today the new Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, modeled after the New Deal-era Pecora Commission, begins its investigation into possible misconduct by the financial sector causing last year’s market meltdown. Campaign for America’s Future co-director Robert Borosage released … Read more »

September 16, 2009, 5:00am

By Mike Lux

There is an important divide running through the middle of Democratic policymaking that gets very little attention, but may be as important as the much more well-discussed ideological, generational or regional divides. It is a battle between … Read more »

September 15, 2009, 3:00am

By Robert Borosage

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
….The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand

— William Butler YeatsPresident … Read more »
