Articles of Interest
September 11, 2009, 5:00am

by Faiz Shakir, Amanda Terkel, Matt Corley, Benjamin Armbruster, Brad Johnson, and Zaid Jilani

This Saturday, right-wing protesters will gather in Washington, DC for a march to oppose health reform, President Obama, “corruption,” and “an overall conversion to a socialist … Read more »

September 10, 2009, 4:00am

By Robert L. Borosage

The President gives a great speech. He offers reason against hysteria. He summons us to our better angels. He challenges politicians and Americans to do “great things,” because that is “who we are.” He claims the … Read more »

September 10, 2009, 4:00am


As soon as I started covering Barack Obama, I knew he was going to be trouble.

Not Global Trouble, like W. and Dick Cheney. Or Hanky-Panky Trouble, like Bill Clinton and John Edwards. Or Tedious Trouble, like … Read more »

September 09, 2009, 2:00am

By Paul Krugman.

President Obama will give his big health-care speech tomorrow. Let’s hope he does it right.

What does that mean? It means not playing professor; it means not having the speech read as if it were written by … Read more »

September 09, 2009, 2:00am

(From The Times Of India).

AHMEDABAD: The Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI), a programme of US-based William J Clinton Foundation, on Monday announced setting up of the
world’s largest solar power plant in Gujarat with an estimated investment of Rs 50,000 … Read more »

September 08, 2009, 5:00am

The New York Times.

The Supreme Court may be about to radically change politics by striking down the longstanding rule that says corporations cannot spend directly on federal elections. If the floodgates open, money from big business could overwhelm the … Read more »

September 08, 2009, 5:00am

By Robert Kuttner.

On this Labor Day, about the best the Obama Administration can say (over and over again) is that the unemployment picture would be a lot worse without the Recovery Act. Sorry, that’s not good enough. It won’t … Read more »

September 08, 2009, 5:00am

By Paul Krugman.

This article is 8 pages long. Click here to read:

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September 08, 2009, 5:00am

By Bill Moyers, Bill Moyers Journal.

The editors of The Economist magazine say America’s health care debate has become a touch delirious, with people accusing each other of being evil-mongers, dealers in death, and un-American.

Well, that’s charitable.

I would … Read more »

September 04, 2009, 2:00am

By E.J. Dionne

Health care reform is said to be in trouble partly because of those raucous August town hall meetings in which Democratic members of Congress were besieged by shouters opposed to change.

But what if our media-created impression … Read more »
