“The American Health Choices Act” by Center for American Progress:
June 08, 2009, 1:00am

Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA), the chairman of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, is circulating draft legislation designed to overhaul the nation’s health care system. This so-called “draft of a draft” is the first piece of concrete health reform legislation to emerge from Democrats in Congress. As the Washington Post notes, “[A]t least five congressional chairmen are working on health-care reform bills,” and Kennedy’s draft represents the Democrats’ first attempt at “a partial road map for how the nation might address health coverage gaps and problems such as rising costs and inferior quality.” The legislation, called the “American Health Choices Act,” would provide affordable coverage to all Americans, require businesses to provide and individuals to obtain coverage, and establish a new public health care plan to compete alongside private insurers.

From: thinkprogress.org
