Articles of Interest
March 13, 2017, 2:36pm

By John Podesta – The Washington Post.

John Podesta, the chair of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, served as counselor to President Barack Obama and chief of staff to President Bill Clinton.

President Trump’s fake-news pivot isn’t subtle. First he … Read more »

March 11, 2017, 11:15am

By Paul Krugman – The New York Times.
It has long been obvious to anyone following health policy that Republicans would never devise a workable replacement for Obamacare. But the bill unveiled this week is worse than even the cynics … Read more »

March 09, 2017, 4:01pm


The relationship between a new president and the intelligence agencies that serve him can be difficult in the best of times. But it’s hard to imagine a more turbulent transition than

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March 09, 2017, 3:59pm

By Nicholas Kristof – The New York Times.

I enjoyed the show “House of Cards” but always felt that it went a bit too far, that its plot wasn’t plausible. After seven weeks of President Trump, I owe “House of … Read more »

March 08, 2017, 6:32pm
March 08, 2017, 6:30pm
March 08, 2017, 6:29pm

By Jennifer Rubin – The Washington Post.

FBI director tells Justice Department to reject Trump’s wiretap claim

President Trump was “mad — steaming, raging mad,” The Post reports. No one was defending his harebrained assertion that President Barack Obama … Read more »

March 08, 2017, 6:28pm

By Dana Milbank – The Washington Post.

President Trump, long at the forefront of intellectual discovery, last week came up with a major finding: Health-care reform is hard. “Unbelievably complex,” in fact.

“Nobody knew that health care could … Read more »

March 08, 2017, 6:27pm

One Sentence: The Republican bill to gut the Affordable Care Act and slash Medicaid takes health coverage away from millions of Americans – from seniors to children – will force people to pay much, much more for, high-deductible insurance … Read more »

March 07, 2017, 6:11pm

By Paul Krugman – The New York Times.

According to Politico, a Trump confidante says that the man in the Oval Office — or more often at Mar-a-Lago — is “tired of everyone thinking his presidency is screwed up.” … Read more »
