Fooling the People
October 08, 2004, 1:00am

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.
— George W. Bush

Playing on the Abraham Lincoln adage, George W. Bush was quoted making this statement. The Bush Administration, from the outset, has used the approach of disseminating lies, lies of omission and half truths, cover-ups and smoke screens to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people. And the media has allowed them to do so. From misleading this country into war, to flip flopping on the issues and now most recently having the Vice President go on record insisting that the Iraqi war was justified regardless of a new report by Charles Duelfer. The chief U.S. weapons inspector in Iraq stated Hussein’s government produced no weapons of mass destruction after 1991 and did not have the capability to do so. How many more reports do we need? Are Bush and Cheney out of touch with reality? Does Cheney really believe that Iraq just having the knowledge to produce WMD’s is justification to wage a war, lose and injure thousands of young American soldiers, take innocent Iraqi lives, isolate the U.S. from the international community, and inflame the Muslim world? Or are he and the President terribly afraid to admit to the disastrous lapses in judgment that they have displayed over the last 4 years? Either answer means that Bush was deeply dishonest or he so badly misjudged the threat of Iraq that he’s not up to the job of President.

Finally, after 4 years the truth is coming out about this war and the lies and deceit perpetuated by this administration. There is just too much hypocrisy for the media to ignore. Cheney repeatedly criticized Senator Edwards during Tuesday night’s debate for his attendance record in Congress, yet the President was on vacation over 40% of the time in his first 9 months in office! Condoleezza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld have yet to be fired for the colossal errors they have made. And House Majority Leader Tom Delay, who has been cited for multiple ethical improprieties, and faulted by the Ethics Panel twice now, has not been unseated. It seems you only get fired by this Administration for telling the truth and doing your job! But the American people are slowly starting to distinguish spin from truth. They are realizing that Lincoln’s quote is coming true: “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
